Why does my stepkid hate me? 6 reasons why stepkids reject stepparents
Worried your stepkids hate you? Weirdly enough, just because your stepkids reject you doesn't mean they actually hate you!
4 points to include in a high-conflict parenting plan
What should be included in your parenting plan? When you’re dealing with a high-conflict co-parent, following these tips is a must.
The signs that point us toward blended
I spent years frustrated that our stepfamily didn’t feel how I thought a family should feel. I wanted a clear sign we were blended. Little did I know we already counted as a “real” family!
How to survive stepparenting stress
Why is being a stepparent so much harder than regular parenting? And how can we survive the overwhelm of stepdad & stepmom stress and burnout?
Can stepparenting wreck your mental health?
Here’s a science-based explanation why stepparenting is stressful enough to negatively impact our mental health.
Why does stepparenting feel so counterintuitive?
So much about stepparenting feel like we’re blending our family wrong or messing our stepkids up. How can we move past that?
Stepparenting a stepkid with childhood trauma
How should you approach stepparenting when your stepkid comes from childhood abuse or trauma?
What makes stepparenting worth it?
Is being a stepparent really worth all the nonsense we have to put up with along the way??
When are you considered a stepparent?
At what point are you considered a stepparent? Do you have to be married first? How many hoops do we have to jump through before we’re acknowledged as an important part of our stepkid’s family?
How to find the joy anyway
Stepparenting can feel like you're stuck arguing in circles. How can we find joy when we're constantly coming up against a brick wall?
Even when stepparenting is hard, you gotta make time for fun
Don’t lose yourself so much in the stepparenting role that you forget to have fun! Walking on eggshells is never the best way to bond with your stepkid.
Protecting our bio kids from stepfamily drama
For stepparents who bring their own kids (or ours babies) into a blended family, what’s the best way to protect them from high conflict and other drama?
Becoming a stepmom gave me PTSD
Becoming a stepmom gave me diagnosable c-PTSD and massive anxiety after years & years of living under constant attack in a high-conflict blended family.
Why stepparents need a break too
Why does society think stepparents aren’t allowed to ever feel tired, ever feel ready for a break, or ever have mixed feelings? Stepparents, you deserve a friggin’ vacation.
Let's stop acting like "stepparent" is a dirty word
Do we really need to call ourself "bonus moms" instead of "stepmoms"? Let’s stop apologizing for the very valid role we play in our stepfamily and own the stepparenting title with pride.
Inventing new blended family holiday traditions
Our blended family invented new holiday traditions only by letting go of our ideas of how we thought the holidays “should” be celebrated... and when.
The love/hate of stepparenting
It's okay (and normal!) to both love being a stepparent and hate all the complications that living in a blended family brings. Give yourself permission to grieve along the way.
The emotional labor of stepparenting
Stepparents take it upon ourselves to do all kinds of Shit That Goes Unrecognized, because we are the only ones who seem to realize that otherwise our stepfamily will not survive.