Can you disengage from only one stepkid?
Can you disengage from only one stepkid? Or disengage from your stepkid when you’ve got other kids at home? Sure can! Let me explain…
How to keep your cool during your partner's custody battle
How can you support your partner through their high conflict custody battle without losing yourself in the process?
4 ways stepparents can protect their own mental health in high conflict
If your partner’s not setting great boundaries with their high-conflict ex, here are 4 ways stepparents can protect themselves and their own mental health.
When should you walk away from your blended family?
Stay and keep fighting to blend your family, or call it quits and leave? This is the question I asked myself almost daily for a solid decade.
Spying, lying, & stepkids: how to deal when your stepkid acts like a double agent
How do you deal with a spying or lying stepkid when their actions cross the line from "kids will be kids" into toxic behavior?
5 transition day tips for stepparents
Your stepkids’ transition day is hard on everyone — including stepparents! These tips can help lower those stress levels down to a less insane decibel.
4 ways to support your partner after disengaging
What's a stepparent's role look like after disengaging? Here are 4 non-parenting ways you can still be a supportive stepparent.
When your stepkid reminds you too much of the ex
Is it normal to not like your stepkids when they act too much like your partner’s high-conflict co-parent? Short answer: yes. Longer answer: read this blog.
How to survive stepparenting stress
Why is being a stepparent so much harder than regular parenting? And how can we survive the overwhelm of stepdad & stepmom stress and burnout?
Can stepparenting wreck your mental health?
Here’s a science-based explanation why stepparenting is stressful enough to negatively impact our mental health.
What makes stepparenting worth it?
Is being a stepparent really worth all the nonsense we have to put up with along the way??
How to find the joy anyway
Stepparenting can feel like you're stuck arguing in circles. How can we find joy when we're constantly coming up against a brick wall?
Even when stepparenting is hard, you gotta make time for fun
Don’t lose yourself so much in the stepparenting role that you forget to have fun! Walking on eggshells is never the best way to bond with your stepkid.
Protecting our bio kids from stepfamily drama
For stepparents who bring their own kids (or ours babies) into a blended family, what’s the best way to protect them from high conflict and other drama?
Becoming a stepmom gave me PTSD
Becoming a stepmom gave me diagnosable c-PTSD and massive anxiety after years & years of living under constant attack in a high-conflict blended family.
Why stepparents need a break too
Why does society think stepparents aren’t allowed to ever feel tired, ever feel ready for a break, or ever have mixed feelings? Stepparents, you deserve a friggin’ vacation.
The love/hate of stepparenting
It's okay (and normal!) to both love being a stepparent and hate all the complications that living in a blended family brings. Give yourself permission to grieve along the way.
The emotional labor of stepparenting
Stepparents take it upon ourselves to do all kinds of Shit That Goes Unrecognized, because we are the only ones who seem to realize that otherwise our stepfamily will not survive.